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What is TRE?

  • Tension and trauma Releasing Exercises, created by Dr David Berceli, gently fatigue your muscles and facilitate natural therapeutic tremors.
  • These tremors, or shakes, release muscular tension, trauma, and held patterns by resetting primitive reflexes.
  • TRE is a simple tool to complete stress/trauma cycles ~ past and present. (When stressed, we tend to prevent the healing cycle by contracting and “holding ourselves together”, whereas wild animals shake off stress.)
  • It is a self-help tool for life once learned from a trained TRE Provider.

My preference is to support your TRE (pronounced T.R.E) experience in person from my home (Totnes, Devon, UK) but if you have done any TRE before, with me or anyone else, I’m happy to facilitate further sessions on Zoom. If you are new to TRE and are keen to do even your first session online, email me and let’s communicate about it

How can TRE help you?

  • TRE brings calm as it discharges stress from any cause, which increases your sense of well-being and can help you find deeper sleep and relaxation.
  • It releases fear and shock imprints in your body from accidents, violence, illnesses, and traumas, no matter when they occurred.
  • It reconnects us with parts of the body we’ve lost touch with or numbed out.
  • Sexual “blockages” can be released.
For more TRE info and inspiring videos:

What to expect in a session

  • TRE Introduction (first time).
  • Check-in re your state of being/physical limitations.
  • Muscle fatiguing exercises x 7. Adjusted according to any limitations.
  • Tremors/shakes and rests. Usually on a yoga mat on the floor.
  • Tea, feedback and questions. How was it for you? Where next?

Photos for ReConnect magazine article: “Kate does TRE”

Why I offer TRE

I believe in holistic healing, which includes mind, body, emotions, spirit and environment.

My counselling has always included numerous approaches to cover these elements, and yet how to release shock and trauma imprints from the body used to be elusive. It became increasingly clear that without working with the body, unreleased past imprints and tension could still hijack us and prevent us from being fully present and relaxed.

When I first experienced TRE, I knew I’d found my missing piece (or peace) and signed up for the training immediately. My own experiences have been so transformational that I am passionate about assisting others to create their own personal TRE practice.

It is absolutely fine for you to come and experience TRE without going into details of what has happened to you ~ let the shaking reach the parts that words have failed to reach.

And… given my work with bereavement and difficult life transitions, it is common that those coming to learn TRE are also keen to be supported with words, through their challenging circumstances. If required, after two or three sessions with the main focus on the TRE, we can create hybrid sessions including both verbal support and the body release work. (I do not yet work with those who have severe PTSD.)

Choices, Booking and Costs

A minimum of four guided 1.5 hr sessions are recommended to prepare you to use TRE as a lifelong stress release practice (six would be ideal), however, you are welcome to book a single session to try it out. For those with deeper issues, it is wise to continue supported sessions until the time feels right to go it alone. Some continue to gift themselves with regular sessions in this healing space away from home because the structured holding guarantees that the self-care and de-stressing will continue.

Payment is by sliding scale (see below) according to your means. You are asked to tune in to what you can honestly afford. The more generous you are able to be, the more this supports those who presently have less resources.

Payment is by bank transfer (before meeting or the same day when it is still in your mind) or by cash at the end of each session. Please create a strategy to remember to pay.

Individual TRE
Individual 1 hour 30 min sessions to learn how to safely release tension/trauma. The first session might run to 1hr 45 min (extra time free). 4 ~ 6 sessions recommended.

Cost range for individual TRE sessions: £60 ~ £90

Twosome TRE
Healing time with your significant other or friend ~ enabling you to support each other as you learn this powerful stress-release tool. 1 hr 45 min, except the first session, which might run to 2 hours (extra time free). 4 ~ 6 sessions recommended.

Cost range for Twosome TRE sessions (which covers both of you): £75 ~ £105

How to Book
My preferred way to take bookings is by email: but I am happy to arrange to have a short Zoom or phone conversation before booking if you think it might help you to connect with me before committing to a first session. I don’t work Thursday mornings, weekends or evenings unless essential.

Cancellations/ No shows
Please value my time and let me know as far in advance as possible if you need to change your appointment. If you don’t turn up or cancel within 12 hours of the session time, you will be asked to pay the full agreed amount, so please put the date in your diary/calendar ASAP.

“Stress/ trauma disturbs the homeostatus of the integrated system of the human body. This causes it to have differentiated parts and disharmonious experiences.”

Dr. Dan Siegel

“The tremor mechanism accesses these differentiated parts and disharmonious experiences and reorganises them into an integrated whole so that the body can function again in an integrated manner.
Self-induced therapeutic tremors restore the harmony of the organism and return the body back into a fluid, flexible and integrated system.”

Dr David Berceli (Creator of TRE)

Thank you for making me feel so safe to be so open during my first TRE session in your house today, Carmella. It was an absolutely profound, elemental experience that moved me enormously. Just incredible!

J. L. (Devon UK)

The TRE work has benefitted me enormously by releasing stress and stopping it build up into overwhelm. It also helps me understand my sensitive nervous system. Your ongoing support is an anchor and blessing beyond words.

R. F. (Wales, UK)

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